有网友写道:他不懂基本的英语,这没什么惊奇的。He can’t understand basic English so this isn’t a surprise
还有人写道:不如把标题改为 “健康警报”:美国总统因听力问题而失聪。How about changing your headline to Health alert..President of the USA ios going deaf with hearing problems.
还有人嘲笑第一夫人表示:那他怎么听得懂他老婆说话?How does he understand his wife? LOL
还有人直接骂道:他连自己的母语都说不出连贯的句子,却还要对记者摆架子?如果那是一个带着浓重口音的富有沙特人,我敢肯定他一定能听懂。他只是不想回答这个问题,因为他是个爱抱怨的小怂包。(He can’t string together a coherent sentence in his native language and he’s going to be a xxx to a reporter? If that was a wealthy Saudi with a thick accent I’m sure he would have understood him. He just didn’t want to answer the question because he’s a whiny little xxx.)