记者问她在拜登身边是否观察到他的智力的逐步下降?她故意不回答这个问题就算了,但是她突然来一句:“I think the American people have a concern about Donald Trump.”(“我认为美国人民对川普有些担忧”)。对呀,美国人民特别担心川普上台后飓风将会增加。
“She did give one good answer to the question of why have the Border Patrol endorsed President Trump. “Because they are frustrated and they want support.” Nailed that one.” (“她确实对‘为什么边境巡逻队支持川普总统’这个问题给出了一个不错的回答。‘因为他们感到沮丧,并且需要支持。’这一点答得很好”)
“I watched this video while being raised in a middle class family.(“我在一个中产阶级家庭长大时看了这个视频”)
“Brett, thank you for asking her real questions and holding her to account! Also, we appreciate you posting the whole unedited interview!” (“布雷特,谢谢你向她提出真正的问题并让她承担责任!我们也感谢你发布了完整、未剪辑的采访!”)