12泵加油站,汽油,柴油,液化气,24小时营业, Bankstown 市中心。
12pump service station with petrol, diesel, gas.
Opening 24 hours with very big grocery shop, big storage and two offices right in center of Bankstown. austoday.com.au
包括两个额外店面。 austoday.com.au
Including two extra shops.
Approx monthly net income $15000- 16000,
联系人: John, 0411353185 ,forhoffman@yahoo.com.au
转让人不会讲中文,如联系人不讲英文,请找翻译。 今日澳洲
please contact with John if anybody can speak English. If not , please make sure somebody can translate. ( Owner can not speak Chinese)
0411353185 |