


Looking for part time tutors

yoyostudy123 发表于 2024-9-14 14:30:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Are you passionate about writing and seeking a self-managed, flexible, self-improving and working-at-home job?

With an enviable reputation for writing excellence, we offer co-curricular educational support to students.

Key criteria include:
  * A passion for their professional area
  * Solid academic record
  * Able to work with no supervision
  * Time management
Applications should include a resume and academic transcript今日澳洲

To apply, kindly email your application letter to
mary@studyyoyo.com or contact our HR representative for a quick chat:

Skype: 1203626600@qq.com

WhatsApp: 0410 580 645

Landline: 07 3102 3239

AU Company Number: 159 160 200

Website: http://www.yoyostudy.com.au今日澳洲


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